Eco2city has been working on the development of the concept Binnenstadservice and Goederenhubs in The Netherlands. Today, Eco2city is coordintor of the Goodhubs connection between the local initiatives in Europe. The combined forces of all city logistic initiatives can speed up the transition we’ll have to make.

This connection is made by creating and using the Triple X vision on city logistics:

the X of the virtual flow: decoupling and rearranging  information that comes along with the freight, in order to uptimize uban freigth flows;

the X of the financial flow: decoupling and rearranging the ‘euro-flow’, the division of costs and benefits in the supply chain;

the X of the physical flow: running operational SmartCityHubs at the edge of each city to bundle the small volume fows of goods.

Contact Birgit Hendriks for more information on the Triple X and how to apply in your city.